Please Review the Error Below There are some issues with the fields below. Please update and try again. A server side error has occurred and your request was not processed. {{ errorResponse.statusText}} - Please update and try again.
- The {{ error }} is a required field
- The {{ error }} field contains invalid characters or pattern is mismatched
- {{ error.field }} - {{ error.value }}
- {{ errorResponse.replaceMessage ? : "Please contact your system's adminstrator." }}
- {{ error.field }} : {{ error.value }} Field can't be empty. Data format is invalid. Minimum length not reached. Allowable maximum length exceeded. Duplicate values are not allowed. Date must be within the allowed date range. Date range overlaps an existing record. Predefined value expected. Allowable file size exceeded. Allowable list size exceeded. Data format is invalid. Resolve Name to Id error. Wrong date format. From date cannot be earlier than current date. Duplicate values are not allowed. From date should be earlier than or equal to To date. Parent entry cannot delete without deleting a child. At least one value must be selected. At least one field is required. Value must be greater than zero. To date should be later than or equal to From date. Effective Date is later than Start Date and earlier than End Date. Object is locked and can not be updated/deleted. Item Qty Limit Per Shop should be greater than Item Qty Limit Per Transaction which should be greater than item Qty Limit Per Seat. Amount Limit per Shop should be greater than Amount Limit Per Transaction. Invalid Value. This field is not allowed for the given request and should be set to null Effective From date cannot be earlier than tomorrow. Effective To date cannot be earlier than tomorrow. Effective Date cannot be earlier than current date Date is not in the correct format. Price is not in the correct format. Numeric value is expected. A decimal numeric value is expected. Mix of character and/or numeric value is expected, no spaces or special characters. Mix of character and/or numeric value is expected, space is permitted but no special characters. Mix of character and/or numeric value is expected, spaces and special characters permitted. Time is required in military format i.e. 13:00 for 1 PM. Only alphabetic characters are permitted. Exchange rate value is expected. Decimal numeric amount value is expected. Percentage numeric value is expected with or without decimal. Decimal numeric amount value is expected, up to 9 digits. Numeric value is expected, up to 6 digits. Email required in correct format e.g. @,.com,etc. Date range overlaps an existing record. Price Effective Date range not within Item Effective Date range. Field value equal to 1 or greater. Selected Tax type has expired